(a selection, see my inspire for a complete list)
Title and Details | Date |
Unification of Decoupling Limits in String and M Theory | November 2023 |
C. Blair, JL, N. Obers, Z. Yan accepted for publication in PRL, e-print arXiv:2311.10564 I initiated the project and proposed the idea of studying the relation between different decoupling limits from the point of view of duality | |
Non-Lorentzian IIB Supergravity from a Polynomial Realization of SL(2,R) | June 2023 |
E.A. Bergshoeff, K. Grosvenor, JL, Z. Yan, U. Zorba e-print: 2306.04741 [hep-th], publication in preparation, citations: 1 my contribution: I initiated and led the project with ZY and we co-developed the idea of polynomial realizations as a novel way of representing S duality. I put forward the idea of seeing the final theory as a bosonic effective theory and the ultimate application as a bootstrapping tool. | |
Branched SL(2, Z) Duality | August 2022 |
E.A. Bergshoeff, K. Grosvenor, JL, Z. Yan, U. Zorba Published in JHEP 10 (2022) 131, e-Print: 2208.13815 [hep-th], citations: 2 my contribution: I developed the initial idea of branching the space of string states in two halves. I furthermore had the idea of considering the tensionless limit and the inter-branch states. In the paper, I have written the decoupling sections. | |
Generalized Newton–Cartan geometries for particles and strings | July 2022 |
E.A. Bergshoeff, K. van Helden, JL, L. Romano, J. Rosseel Published in Class.Quant.Grav. 40 (2023) 7, 075010, e-Print: 2207.00363 [hep-th], citations: 5 my contribution: I co-initiated the project with JR and wrote significant portions of the article, most notably the sections on the physical meaning of intrinsic torsion. | |
The supersymmetric Neveu-Schwarz branes of non-relativistic string theory | April 2022 |
E.A. Bergshoeff, JL, L. Romano, J. Rosseel Published in JHEP 08 (2022) 218, e-Print: 2204.04089 [hep-th], citations: 7 my contribution: I co-initiated and led the project throughout. Apart from revisiting longitudinal T-duality and clarifying the role of redundant gauge symmetries, I developed the now standard interpretation of geometric constraints in the context of string solutions. Furthermore, I clarified the role of source terms and established the existence of a new DLCQ multiplet. | |
Non-relativistic ten-dimensional minimal supergravity | July 2021 |
E.A. Bergshoeff, JL, L. Romano, J. Rosseel Published in JHEP 12 (2021) 123, e-Print: 2107.14636 [hep-th], citations: 18 my contribution: I co-initiated and led the project throughout. During the project I put forward that the constraints on torsion appearing in the expansion should be taken seriously and understood as a part of the definition of NR supergravity. This is now considered an established fact in the literature. I also performed many of the central computations. | |
A non-relativistic limit of NS-NS gravity | February 2021 |
E.A. Bergshoeff, JL, L. Romano, J. Rosseel, C. Simsek Published in JHEP 06 (2021) 021, e-Print: 2102.06974 [hep-th], citations: 41 my contribution: I co-initiated and led the project throughout. Inspired by earlier work I put forward the idea that a two-form should be considered as part of the G structure data. This is now widely accepted and subject of investigations in pure mathematics. I furthermore derived the non-relativistic action and found the emergence of an additional gauge symmetry. Most of the relevant calculations were done by me. | |
Non-Relativistic Supersymmetry on Curved Three-Manifolds | May 2020 |
E.A. Bergshoeff, A. Chatzistavrakidis, JL, L. Romano, J. Rosseel Published in JHEP 07 (2020) 175, e-Print: 2005.09001 [hep-th], citations: 9 my contribution: I co-initiated and led the project throughout. I developed many of the techniques from Riemannian to non-Riemannian geometry so that they can be used in this context. In particular, I have derived and interpreted the respective Killing spinor equations. I have also given the first solutions to these equations and derived the associated field theories. | |